
State defends Legionnaires’ response in Flint crisis

“Chelsea runs the Clinton Foundation and she’s well-connected so I’m hoping that she shares her story with her well-funded friends and gets us the research we need because we know that government will not cover everything”, Hanna-Attisha said.


“Snyder has rebuffed several requests to testify on the lead contamination in Flint’s water supply, a public health disaster that is now being investigated by several congressional committees”. Democrats said the session was needed after Weaver and other officials were not invited to a GOP-led hearing last week that devolved into partisan accusations over blame for the crisis.

Governor Rick Snyder’s budget proposal for the coming fiscal year pays a lot of attention to Flint’s drinking water crisis and the state’s infrastructure shortcomings. Wednesday, he said, he asked for $195 million more to help Flint residents. Water from the Flint river had for months corroded lead from the inside of water pipes before flowing into thousands of households across the city.

He further said that he is taking responsibility for the actions of people in the state government, and on Wednesday announced a multi-million investment into fixing Flint’s water woes. The same day investigators looking into the state’s role in causing, and potentially worsening the crisis, told reporters that the investigation could turn criminal with potential charges of manslaughter or misconduct in office. Among them were Marc Edwards, the Virginia Tech professor who first called attention to elevated lead levels in the water, and Laura Sullivan, a water expert from Flint’s Kettering University.

Flint’s water troubles, concerns about other aging water infrastructure and the Detroit school’s district dire financial outlook – it needs a $720 million infusion of cash over a decade to avoid bankruptcy, according to Snyder aides – overshadowed a one-time budget surplus and more nuts-and-bolts budget details this year, such as funding for education, municipalities and workforce development.

Good nutrition is one way to fight the effects of lead exposure, which can lead to problems like lower IQ and stunted growth.

News Wire from Flint by tele-phone following her tour and a host of meetings with clergy, elected officials, the mayor and residents of the city. Flo Rida, like most of the world, was fed up and frustrated with the state’s choice to cut costs by drawing lead-contaminated drinking water from the Flint River.

“There are times when the people that I’ve been standing with and fighting with say ‘Oh, she’s working with Snyder now, maybe we can’t trust her anymore, ‘ ” Sullivan says.

“We can’t forget that we have lead pipes and challenges in other places in addition to Flint, and it’s time to act on that”.


“We’ve got some big things that we’ve got to so, but because we’ve taken care of our finances, and done a better job with budgeting over the last four or five years, we can take on the big things and get ’em done”.

Flint Mayor Announces $55 Million Plan to Replace Lead Pipes Starting This Month