
State Department refers 305 Clinton emails for review: court filing

However, there are dozens and dozens of the State Department employees that has made use of the private email account for Hillary Clinton in order to address a host of issues, from the domestic to the international front.


When Ed Klein Confidential told Trump about Hillary’s slash-and-burn plans, he said he wasn’t worried because he doubts Hillary will be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Mrs. Clinton had used Platte River Networks, a Denver, Colorado, company, to upgrade and maintain her private email server at her home in Chappaqua, New York.

“Out of a sample of approximately 20% of the Clinton emails, the (intelligence community) reviewers have only recommended 305 documents – approximately 5.1% – for referral to their agencies for consultation”, the State Department court filing says.

Clinton made a joke of the controversy over her email on Friday at a Democratic fundraising event in Iowa, and posted a video of her comments on her Twitter account. Abedin, the wife of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner, has hired a team of lawyers due to the email fallout.

Asked about the additional emails being reviewed by intelligence agencies, State Department John Kirby told a media briefing on Monday: “It’s a healthy thing”. Trump likened Clinton’s situation to General David Petraeus, who resigned as CIA director after his affair with his biographer was uncovered, and was later accused of having shared classified materials with her. “General Petraeus, his life has been destroyed”.

A former member of U.S. Army intelligence, Jacob Schaeffer, believes the fact that it appears Clinton only recently had her private server scrubbed and therefore for about two years classified information was unprotected.

Clinton has said she has turned over 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department and has authorized the agency to make them public. Clinton read from a Teleprompter as she spoke. Sanders is leading Clinton in New Hampshire, according to a recent survey.

Clinton said the remaining 31,830 are personal records, and that her server was wiped clean after she provided paper copies of her official communications. This has led to a lot of problems, and is definitely being viewed as the sinking ship to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

She has already handed over 30,000 of the emails from the server to the State Department.

Clinton apparently wanted a convenience that millions of Americans enjoy – the ability to receive and send emails on a hand-held mobile device.

Neither email was marked classified at the time they were sent, and their discovery reopened a question about whether the government is too quick to designate material as secret. “They don’t know where it goes”.


Grassley asked whether such precautions were sufficient and whether Kendall had the appropriate security clearance to handle top-secret or sensitive information.

In Iowa, Clinton Calls Email Controversy 'Usual' Partisan Politics