
State Dept: Hillary’s Ethics Pledge was Kind of Worthless

According to Fox News, they link the Clinton Foundation to operations in the State Department.


Multiple FBI investigations into the Clinton Foundation are now ongoing, according to a former senior law enforcement official and reported by The Daily Caller.

The Texas Republican wants to know why the Justice Department did not accept the FBI’s recommendation in this case but they did accept Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey’s recommendation that no charges be filed against Hillary Clinton for improperly handling classified information.

The questions emerged once again this week after a fresh batch of Clinton’s emails not previously made public was released by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, including some that appeared to signal a possible link between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation.

Reporters were curious about an email from 2009 that showed Clinton Foundation official Doug Band asking top Clinton aides to give a job to an associate whose name was redacted. Band is reassured by Abedin that “Personnel has been sending him options”.

The executive – Douglas J. Band, also a personal assistant to former President Bill Clinton – asked Abedin to call the businessman, Gilbert Chagoury.

A spokesman for the Trump campaign claimed Clinton and President Obama “colluded” to prevent FBI Director James Comey from recommending criminal charges against the Democratic presidential hopeful last month and have now engaged in the same “political favoritism” through the Justice Department’s denial of an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton staff didn’t deny it, saying only, quote, “the idea that this poses a conflict of interest is absurd”. However, NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning did mention controversy swirling around top Clinton State Department aide Cheryl Mills doing work for the Clinton Foundation on the side.

Another email, dating from February 2009, also reveals Hillary Clinton requesting a meeting with Stephen Roach, then chairman of the Asian branch of Morgan Stanley and one of her big donors who had emailed her several days earlier.

That investigation was conducted with agents at FBI headquarters, who coordinated with the Department of Justice’s National Security Division (NSD). But given the political and diplomatic power of Clinton, seeing the controversial funding of the Foundation, opponents of Hillary Clinton will certainly not let go off such a controversy. Further “only a small number of those emails bore markings of classified information”.

When pressed Wednesday, the State Department would not say who the emails referred to, citing privacy concerns.

Since Hillary Clinton left the State Department, her family’s philanthropy has been the target of thousands of newspaper articles, a highly publicized book containing years of research and a documentary.

One of Secretary Clinton’s top aides replied, expressing, “We have all had him on our radar. I’ll talk to Jeff”, added Abedin.

And if you can’t do that at the State Department, then you certainly can’t do it in the Oval Office.

“The right-wing organization behind this lawsuit has been attacking the Clintons since the 1990s and no matter how this group tries to mischaracterize these documents, the fact remains that Hillary Clinton never took action as secretary of state because of donations to the Clinton Foundation”, Schwerin said in a statement.


“T$3 here’s a tension between the Clinton campaign for president and the Clinton Foundation about what exactly will happen”, Grimaldi says.

Hillary Clinton