
State GOP Reacts to Dallas Morning News Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

US Presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton addressed topics ranging from national security to veteran affairs in their first television forum here. The event served as a preview for voters of the candidates’ trio of debates later this fall.


Clinton said none of the emails she sent or received was marked top secret, secret or classified, the usual way such material is identified.

The forum came hours after Trump laid into Clinton as “trigger happy”.

USA investigators concluded that her handling of classified material was “extremely careless” but that no criminal charges were warranted. “My opponent has refused to take responsibility for his support”.

The Democratic nominee repeated once more that it was “a mistake” for her to use a private email server while at the helm of the State Department.

“She’s beyond reproach”, Trump said.

“I have taken my responsibility for my decision”.

“The word judgment has been used a lot around you, Secretary Clinton over the previous year and a half, and in particular concerning your use of your personal email and server to communicate while you were secretary of state”, Lauer said. “The real numbers are astronomical”, Trump said.

That position is contradicted by an interview Trump did with Howard Stern in September 2002, in which he was asked whether he supported the invasion and responded, “Yeah, I guess so”.

During the forum, NBC host Matt Lauer noted that Trump said he’d always tell people the truth and repeated some of his past statements, including Trump’s assertion that he knows “more about ISIS than the generals do”. Putin has returned in kind, calling Trump “a colourful and talented man.”

Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, repeatedly refused to say directly whether he had confidence in Trump as commander in chief when questioned on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday.

He also offered extensive praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin – even going as far as to say he was a better leader than President Barack Obama.

Republican Donald Trump has unveiled a plan to boost military spending by tens of billions of dollars on Wednesday, outlining a plan for major increases in the number of active troops, Navy ships and submarines, and fighter planes as he works to convince skeptics in both parties that he’s ready to lead the world’s most powerful military.

To put it in proper perspective, former Republican nominee Mitt Romney carried almost 40 percent of the Latino vote in Florida in 2012 – and he still lost the state to President Obama.

“I have a substantial chance of winning – make America great again“, he said.

“I have a great plan”.

“Hillary Clinton favours what is called military adventurism”.


A group of 53 Iowa military veterans, including several from Northeast Iowa and several current and former Democratic elected officials, have announced their support for Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks with'Today