
State health workers to get a crash course on Zika virus

A House committee on Wednesday approved an amendment to the state budget to inject $250,000 to set mosquito traps in certain areas of the state and to educate the public about the virus. Previously, it was thought that Zika was only a problem during the first trimester of pregnancy, but according to officials at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it has now been learned that the virus is likely to be a problem throughout the term of pregnancy.


There is no vaccine to prevent Zika virus disease. There has been some evidence of neurological effects in adults as well.

This photo shows that the distribution of Zika virus NS1 protein’s electric charges is entirely different from other members of the favivirus genus. The B.C. CDC says it can also be spread sexually. While people who contract the disease usually experience fairly mild symptoms-fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis that can last from several days to a week-the illness can be devastating to the unborn fetus of a woman who develops the disease.

“I can’t confirm much about their management, but the referral pattern for careful observation is BC Women’s Hospital – that wouldn’t be in the hospital; they’ve got a good outpatient unit that can do special ultrasounds and things if the doctors feel it’s necessary”.

Sheila Jackson Lee is a Democratic U.S. Representative from Texas.

“It is an Aedes aegypti, which means that we have to take more precautions”, she said.

The virus is primarily transmitted through bites from infected mosquitoes.

“Large portions of the Americas are suitable for transmission, with the largest areas of risk occurring in Brazil, followed by Colombia and Venezuela, all of which have reported high numbers of cases in the 2015-2016 outbreak”, the team wrote. “So far they look unusual, but at least we’ve seen them and that’s concerning”.

Dr. Susan Weinstein, public health veterinarian at the Arkansas Department of Health, said Lucey took a global approach to the Zika virus, adding that the virus in Brazil and elsewhere is cause for concern. “Although we call in microcephaly, it’s not just having a small head”, said Hotez.

The Arkansas Department of Health has already begun placing mosquito traps throughout the state to test for the virus, and Weinstein said she suspects the species of mosquito that carries Zika is present throughout the state. “It’s essentially blocking the development of the brain”. Marco Rubio has said in the past that he supports more funding to fight Zika.

“The current status of diagnostic testing for Zika is alarming”, said Tim Murphy, Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee Chairman, in a March 29 letter to HHS.


That includes wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent to prevent mosquito bites – and understanding that Zika can spread through sexual transmission.

Collectivite Territoriale de Guyane collects mosquito larvae