
Staunch Republican Caitlyn Jenner leans left on trans issues

“We came to Houston to do something about this city’s response to the hatred, especially of five pastors, who turned an entire Human Rights Ordinance into a lie about bathrooms”, Jenner’s friend Kate Bornstein explains. They decide their first course of action will be to use as many women’s restrooms in Texas as possible so that they can leave notes stating that trans women had been there, and nothing bad happened.


On Sunday night’s I Am Cait finale, two stars finally locked lips who have had chemistry for quite a while. I appreciate that. I just hope she doesn’t grind to a halt anytime soon.

“You’re living proof that it’s never too late to make a change in the world”, she said. In between those encounters with powerful authority figures, Caitlyn found some time for a little romance, but was it real?

“We need more bills like the one in Massachusetts-bills which ensure that every transgender person, no matter what state they’re growing up in, can go to school safely and get the education they deserve”, Caitlyn said. Ella, Jenny and Candis confront Caitlyn about her statement that “if you look like a man in a dress, it makes other people uncomfortable”.

Courtney double-dog dared them, and Caitlyn leaned over, brushed Candis’ hair back and … was interrupted by a commercial! “I’m not cheering them on!”

Slowly, it became clear to Caitlyn that by supporting him, she quietly cosigned on his mistreatment of the LGBT community; she could not pick and choose which parts of his rhetoric to support. Jenner actually went to her own website to share her thoughts on the transgender restroom issue. “You’re voting for Ted Cruz”. He’s shocked and tries to turn it on her, talking about how hard it was for him and acting shocked that she would “take his fatherhood away”.

“They’re not my people if they’re against this issue”, she said.

When the woman on the other end of the line informs her the pastor isn’t there, Boylan announces herself as someone visiting from out of town hoping to attend a prayer service.


The Olympian, who’s been documenting her life after her transition since past year, recently blogged about anti-LGBT legislatures “that make it easier to discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people”. Eventually, the women get through to Caitlyn, as she declares that they are heading to Houston to try and do something about the recent setback. Sundays at 8 p.m. ET.

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