
Steam Will See Dragon Quest Heroes

I wonder how hard it was for Square Enix to convince Sony to do that?


But the enduring popularity of the Dragon Quest franchise has allowed it to branch off into a myriad of spin-offs, including the recently released Dragon Quest Heroes.

If you’re a 3DS owner with a few hundred hours to spare, two highly demanded JRPGs from the celebrated Dragon Quest series will be there to devour your free time in 2016.


Whether this is an indication of Square Enix wanting to bring more Dragon Quest games to Steam like they’ve done with Final Fantasy titles remains to be seen. Developed by Omega Force, it is an action game where players follow an original character aided by familiar faces from the Dragon Quest universe as they attempt to subdue monsters enraged by an unusual mist and save the world. Since this system comes in a bundle, a copy of Dragon Quest Builders will be included in the fancy silver box. Dragon Quest 7 dropped on PSOne in 2001, but never made it to Europe. It enjoyed a broader western release, and the 3DS version only hit Japan earlier this year. This gives us an indication that someone at Steam probably pulled the trigger on this promotion prematurely.

Dragon Quest Heroes is Coming to PC