
Step into Star Wars with Google Cardboard

It picks up the Stars Wars story 30 years after Return of the Jedi, and introduces two new characters – Rey and Finn.


Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd. today unveiled new content based on the most anticipated film of the year, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, for the hit mobile combat strategy game Star Wars: Commander. Get Verizon 4G LTE, with faster, more reliable access on the nation’s best network. I thought I was gonna have a panic attack on the first day.

Especially for those of us from a certain age, Star Wars is about as big a deal as you can find. “I feel like Demeulemeester …”

“I didn’t have the imagination to recognise the future potential for the character”, he said.

So, the Force will be strong, both at the box office and wherever your officially licensed “Star Wars” products are sold, which, these days, is everywhere.

While the film opens across North America and other major global territories on December 18, audiences in the Middle Kingdom will have to wait a little longer as foreign film quotas for 2015 are already filled.

There has been a lot of talk about Star Wars recently, and unsurprisingly so with the 7th film in the series releasing to theaters this month. “I do think they would go toward the Japanese”, she said. What’s more, we’ve now got a visual Most Craved episode guide that you can check out in the gallery viewer at the bottom of this page.

Ever since the release of the first trailer of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, fans have put quite an effort to spot in whether Luke Skywalker had made a brief appearance in the clips. “I’m just going to plod through life and see what comes my way”.


That is when Star Wars came into the picture and it just so happened that we timed it out just right with the announcement of the huge plans for a new Star Wars legacy starting this December.

Mark Hamill My Star Wars diet to play Luke Skywalker