
Steph Curry ejected, throws mouthpiece during Game 6 loss to Cleveland

I do need to address, do not worry there is no chance they are going to suspend Steph curry for that toss of that mouthpiece.


But will Kerr’s comments about Curry’s fouls actually do anything to benefit the league MVP? It’s the first ejection in the NBA MVP’s career. Here’s my take there will likely be a fine for Curry for the mouthpiece incident and the criticizing of the officials, but I don’t look for a suspension.

Return of The King! Curry got ejected from the game with 4:23 left in the 4th quarter.

LeBron James had his second straight 41-point game and the Cleveland Cavaliers won their second straight must-win game. “Jason Phillips falls for that, for a flop”, he said.

The wife of NBA MVP Stephen Curry has sensationally claimed the NBA Finals are rigged after the Warriors lost game six.

Kerr clearly was trying to send a message with his pointed remarks, and we’ll see if it has any impact on how Game 7 is officiated back at Oracle Arena on Sunday night.

Cleveland would go on to win Game 5, which pulled in 20 million viewers for ABC.

“Those three of the six fouls were incredibly inappropriate calls for anybody, much less the MVP of the league”.

Golden State set an National Basketball Association record of 73 wins in the regular season, but last night’s result means a decisive game seven must now be played, with another Cavaliers victory in Oakland on Saturday ensuring they would win their first National Basketball Association title.

She quickly deleted that tweet.

Stephen Curry has played himself into one of the NBA’s preeminent faces with an nearly unerring accuracy from anywhere on the court.


Rebound. And a foul on curry and curry is going to hit with a technical. “Or ratings i’m not sure which”, she tweeted. I apologize. I’m okay that w lost…I just can’t take people coming at my family for absolutely no reason. “Just saw it live sry”. He was later ejected after fouling out, throwing his mouthpiece and hitting a fan in the stands with it. He was way too handsy throughout the game, especially after he got into early foul trouble.

Steph Curry ejected as Cavaliers bring Warriors to the brink in NBA finals