
Stephanie Pratt Talks Addiction and More – Plus More Black Sheep Siblings of

Stephanie, who appeared on the reality shows The Hills and Made in Chelsea, said she struggled with an addiction to crystal meth that started in her early teenage years.


Her appearance in London comes after she revealed that she regularly used crystal meth when she was growing up in Los Angeles, and smoked the deadly drug up to 13 times a day.

And according to Pratt, her feelings of inadequacy and boredom led her to experiment with a very addictive and unsafe drug, crystal meth. “[I smoked] probably four times before school, then at snack… probably 12 or 13 times a day”, an excerpt from Pratt’s “Made in Reality” reads, as published by New Magazine.

She writes: “I didn’t care about anything. I could live or die, I didn’t care”, she added. I’d go into my bathroom and smoke, immediately, then brush my teeth, put on my make-up and get dressed.

Pratt also disclosed her 2006 DUI arrest when she tried to steal branded clothes amounting to $4,000 in Honolulu.

Pratt also discusses her battle with bulimia, which began when she joined “The Hills” in 2007.

The Hills did not make me bulimic”.

Speaking in an interview about the incident, Spencer Pratt’s sister confessed that the guilt of what she had done to her family made her “want to die”.

Her new book holds nothing back, going behind the scenes of The Hills, Made in Chelsea and even the Big Brother House.

Stephanie says she would never slip back into a drug addiction because she knows it’s “life or death” [Wenn].

The actress subjected her body to extreme diets, like only eating Tic Tacs.

Perhaps most disturbing of all, the star accuses her parents of turning a blind eye to her destructive behaviour rather than offer support.

She’s found stability since in healthy living having relocated to London, but her life is still not without drama.


Despite working hard to stay clean and avoid the party lifestyle portrayed on the reality TV series, Stephanie said she suffered depression and bulimia during her years in front of the camera and had dropped to just 47 kilos by 2009.

Stephanie Pratt