
Stephen Colbert Interviews Cartoon Hillary Clinton on The Late Show

Last week we watched Stephen Colbert (not to mention special guest Jon Stewart) take on the Republican National Convention during a week-long stint of live editions of “The Late Show”, and this week it’s the Democrats’ turn.


Comedian Stephen Colbert said top lawyers from Comedy Central – his former employer – told him he could not appear on his current show as the character he once played on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report”.

“What can I do?” And while his fans were overjoyed about the comeback, Colbert (the real one) said his old bosses weren’t. “I can not reasonably argue I own my face or name”.

But it’s okay, because Colbert quickly welcomed “Stephen Colbert”, the host’s identical twin cousin, onto the show.

The new character insisted he was “totally different” from his cousin who hosted the Colbert Report for a decade.

“‘Stephen Colbert” is their intellectual property, which is surprising, because I never considered that guy much of an intellectual”, Colbert says. “But I think everyone agrees now is the time for us all to come together in unity, or harmony, or solidarity, or whatever synonym resonates more strongly with you”.

For instance, Colbert said that during the coming campaign, Hillary Clinton will say things that will make Donald Trump appear to be a racist.

Colbert likely thought he was done feuding with Viacom after leaving his Comedy Central show.


“This is my first appearance on TV ever”, he said, and he offered his services as a permanent Late Show correspondent. There’s so much negativity, Colbert even proposed writing in “Michelle” as another option. “So on Election Day, you can vote against the candidate you don’t want”.

Colbert vs Colbert