
Stephen Colbert retires beloved alter ego, introduces ‘identical twin cousin’

It seems like a more political Stephen Colbert on The Late Show is here to stay.


“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert has brought his “Hunger Games” themed spoof about the presidential campaign to the Democratic National Convention.

After CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert told viewers that lawyers representing his old Comedy Central show said he couldn’t be “Stephen Colbert” anymore, he thumbed his nose at them with a transparent dodge.

The claim was surprising “because I never considered that guy much of an intellectual”, Colbert joked.

Stephen Colbert officially retired his Colbert Report persona last night after facing legal troubles following his July 18 edition of The Late Show and introduced his identical twin cousin – yes – Stephen Colbert.

“You know who didn’t enjoy it so much?”

Nevermind that! Colbert had just the solution: “Stephen Colbert’s identical twin cousin”, who made his first appearance live from the Democratic National Convention, perfectly clad in a short-sleeved, button-down shirt inspired by the American flag. In the bit, Colbert asks Hillary about the DNC email hack that basically painted the picture that the Dems rigged the primaries to that Hilary would win over Bernie Sanders. He would not specify which company that is but sources indicate it is Comedy Central parent (and former CBS corporate sibling) Viacom. Colbert explained during The Werd.

Another intellectual property to fall to the wayside was “The Word”, a segment Colbert revived from The Colbert Report to introduce the word, “Trumpiness”.

Watch the introduction of the newest Stephen Colbert in the video above.

He said there was another option for dissatisfied voters this fall: “Write in Michelle”.


“Thank you. That’s what I love about America”, she said.

Colbert vs Colbert