
Stephen Colbert roasts Donald Trump with fake all-Trump debate

The smoke has cleared from Thursday night’s televised showdown between Donald Trump and the FOX News Republican debate, which he refused to attend. He plans to host an event of his own to help wounded veterans.


This graph produced by Twitter shows how often candidates were mentioned on Twitter during the January 28, 2016 GOP debate.

The stakes are highest for Sen.

“Let me say”, Ted Cruz replied.

Later Cruz tried and failed to start a Trump-ish squabble with Fox News but abandoned that tactic when co-moderator Chris Wallace gamely fought back with “it is a debate, sir”. “Donald is a fragile soul”.

Trump said Friday he was “glad” he skipped the debate, and said he “won” the night.

The debate viewership is far lower than the 25 million people who tuned into the network in August for the first GOP debate of the election season. He will now be without his favorite antagonist on stage.

CNN’s debate in December had 18 million. He scheduled the benefit for veterans charities, which he said raised $6 million, in an attempt to counterprogram the debate and recapture the media spotlight after refusing to participate in the debate because of a tiff with Fox. Once a candidate references your period blood and calls you a bimbo, I think you have free reign to compare them to a literary villain. “They care about who’s going to be the leader of the free world”.

Republican Donald Trump is continuing his unconventional campaign by traveling to New Hampshire as his rivals scramble to make closing arguments in the days before the Iowa caucuses. He even chided two lesser-known presidential candidates, former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley and former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore.

Cruz did not take the opportunity to bash his rival instead opting for an attempt at humor: “I’m a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid fat and ugly and Ben you’re a bad surgeon”. He holds large rallies rather than intimate town halls where voters can ask pointed questions and grab a photograph or handshake.


And if you don’t believe me, watch Colbert’s full takedown of The Donald below.
