
Stephen Hawking Is Doing His First Reddit AMA Next Week

You’ll soon get your chance behind the veil of the Internet as renowned physicist Stephen Hawking will be conducting his first-ever Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session next week.


But, unlike most AMA’s, which usually have the AMA guest answering questions posted live for about an hour or so, you’ll be able to post questions for over a week, ending Tuesday, August 4.

If you are bound to miss the event, it is okay, as the world’s leading scientist will be answering questions for seven straight days, yes you heard it right.


Have a question for one of the smartest men on the planet? All told, Redditors will have a lot of time on their hands with the world-renowned genius, while Hawking himself will have the time he needs to communicate with anyone who has a question to ask. Hawking, 73, suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, which has paralyzed him over the years. He will be answering the majority of the questions that come from the community. But users have regularly clamored for one above all others: Hawking. The letter’s accompanying documentation noted the benefits but also warned of the potential pitfalls of artificial intelligence if we allow it to expand beyond our control. This AMA is part of Wired and Nokia’s #MakeTechHuman initiative, which seeks to enable discussion about how technology can best serve humanity – Hawking is expected to use the platform to talk about his concerns with artificial intelligence, which he says is “potentially our greatest mistake in history”. The forum’s manager, Victoria Taylor, was dismissed without any public reason last month, with Reddit ownership allegedly asking the forum’s unpaid moderators to take over, which included appointing Q&A sessions with celebrities.

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