
Stepped up drunken boater patrols in store for weekend

The extra surveillance will occur from June 24-26 and will mean more patrol boats, extra breathalyzer tests, and checkpoints.


The Door County Sheriff’s Department, the United States Coast Guard, and other agencies will be patrolling the waters this weekend to raise awareness about the dangers of boating under the influence.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard’s 2015 Recreational Boating Statistics report, the leading known contributing factor in fatal boating accidents nationwide is alcohol use.

Law enforcement across the country are preparing for the annual crackdown on drunken boaters. Alcohol or drug use played a role in 19 percent of fatalities, the FWC reported.

“One quick way to end a weekend of fun with family and friends is mixing boating and alcohol”, said California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways Boating Law Administrator Ramona Fernandez.

Designating a driver is not enough on vessels. It can increase fatigue and susceptibility to the effects of cold-water-immersion.

Impaired boaters can expect to be arrested or face serious penalties.

In Florida, it is illegal to operate a boat with a blood alcohol level of.08 or higher. The potential for drowning also goes up if life jackets are not worn.

He added that boaters often don’t realize how cold the water is in Wisconsin during the summer and underestimate the threat of hypothermia after going overboard.


Sun, wind, noise, vibration and motion – “stressors” common to the boating environment – intensify the effects of alcohol, drugs and some medications.

Annual drunken boating crackdown is June 24-26