
Steve Carrell made surprise appearance on last Daily Show

As fun as doing The Daily Show for the past 17-ish years has been, Stewart admitted that it was the process that excited him most.


Stewart’s final scripted bit was one last camera three rant about, as he said in unbleeped glory, “bullshit”.

That number grew year after year. Stewart, however, was kinder to his former employees, saying, “When you look at all the talent who’ve walked through these doors, it would have been hard to screw the show up”.

“But yet, we all still remain alive”, he joked.

“I never left”, the now-Oscar nominee told his former colleague. “Becoming an worldwide superstar was just something I did while waiting for my next assignment”.

In the time Stewart has been at the helm of the Daily Show he’s been able to not only expose the pols but push for change. “We wish you happy and safe travels”. Chuck Schumer and John McCain.

“And just when I was running for President”, she sighed sarcastically.

“What the f*** is a commercial?” asked Oliver, whose new show airs on commercial-free HBO.

“You could really feel the emotions of all the cast and the crew, especially when all the correspondents came out”, said Ari Ole, 31, who traveled from Chicago for the show.

Arby’s even dredged up that oldie but goodie, “Thank You For Being a Friend” to run under one ad that splices together some of Stewart’s best digs at “the meats”.

During the taping, Stewart recognized his dozens of staff members – partly by taking a long on-camera walk through the office – and his wife and children. Is this as much power as I’ll ever have?

“They’re the best in the business”, he added of the team.

But in an interview earlier this week, Ganeless said Stewart has had no second thoughts about leaving the anchor desk.

“Whenever something is titled freedom, family, fairness, health or America”, he said, “take a good long sniff, chances are it may have been made in a factory containing traces of (bull)”.

“You’re finally getting cancelled, Jon“, Kilborn said.

Stewart then gave way to the E Street Band who performed “Land of Hope and Dreams” and “Born to Run” as Stewart and the rest of The Daily Show staffed danced along.


The final guests have not been announced, but the shows leading up to Stewart’s swan song have had some heavy hitters from the comedy world like Amy Schumer, Dennis Leary and Louis CK.

Jon Stewart prepares to leave 'Daily Show&#x27: Look back at his legacy		Play Video