
Steve King ‘uneasy’ about Donald Trump’s recent statements on immigration

Addressing the issue in a Nevada speech yesterday, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said Trump was “a man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far dark reaches of the internet”.


On Thursday, it was Trump calling Clinton a bigot. One of the buttons even shows the figure of a woman in a black and white striped prison jumpsuit.

Hillary Clinton defended her family’s foundation on Friday, saying that the charitable work it has conducted is in line with American values. The veil was pulled back on a vast criminal enterprise run out of the State Department by Hillary Clinton.

Sticking to a recently renewed effort to appeal to African American and Hispanic voters, Trump spent much of his speech in Jackson discussing race. This is the hard-hitting activist group with whom Donald Trump engaged.

So Trump hastily began sending different signals in a clear bid to try to make a her charges into a lie. Because talking to actual minorities in the terrible all-poverty, all-crime communities that Donald Trump has described is just too risky.

“I will never apologize for making it my priority on immigration to protect American citizens above every other single consideration”, Trump said.

Conway said on “Good Morning America” that they simply have their hands full assisting him in other ways. This week, Trump and his aides have softened their rhetoric on immigration, signaling an openness to legalizing numerous nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants despite Trump’s long-standing vow to deport them all.

“I think that he has the right mind frame for it”, said Nick Stevens, 28, of Manchester.

Responding to allegations from Clinton that he is bringing hate into mainstream, Trump said instead he is bringing love.

“There are some important issues regarding the legal side of immigration; H1 Visas are very important to our North Country economy and the process for those seeking to legally come into this country is too slow and cumbersome”, Guinta said. Another note to Trump: If you are going to preach to black people go where black people are; do not hold a rally where the only faces you see look remarkably like your surrogates who are flooding the airwaves with your “New Coke” message.

‘Reince Priebus was with Mr. Trump last night in Aspen together at a fundraiser and they’ll be in Las Vegas today, ‘ she said.

There is nothing in the Trump narrative suggesting an understanding of the struggles of people of color in the United States.

“I don’t know what to believe about a guy who doesn’t believe in things”, Bush said. Senator McCain made sure they knew-Barack Obama is an American citizen and “a decent person”.

According to the Pew survey, 61% oppose building a wall along the USA border with Mexico.

In his new book, “Full Faith and Credit: The National Debt, Taxes, Spending and the Bankrupting of America”, historian Alan Axelrod paints a gloomy portrait of our country’s future. “I think the answer is probably no”.


Trump also says Clinton is trying to distract from questions swirling around donations to The Clinton Foundation and her exclusive use of her private email servers for official business while secretary of state.

Trump's Immigration Shift Could Backfire Spectacularly