
Stewart left speechless over Huckabee comments

Comedian Jon Stewart made two separate visits to the Obama White House-once in advance of the president’s 2012 reelection campaign, and a second time just before Obama addressed Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine on television.


Obama joked with Stewart: “I can’t believe that you are leaving before me!”

Apparently, he’s heading back into the world of stand-up comedy from which he came – albeit to a lesser extreme than his younger self. Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat who says she was motivated to write her first book with the hope of being a guest on his show – only to find out it’s coming out five days after Stewart goes off the air.

Then Wilmore asked Stewart if Obama was in “doesn’t give a shit” mode, and Stewart said, the president was in “I’m gonna build me a library with my name on it mode”.

During the press conference, Noah also discussed former “Daily Show” contributor Wyatt Cenac’s recently revealed that he and Jon Stewart got into conflict over Stewart’s impression of Herman Cain. The next host of the late night show will be Trevor Noah, who joined the show as a contributor in 2014, according to Comedy Central.

Stewart has regularly rejected the claim that he’s any sort of journalist, even as his legions declare they get their “news” from his nightly program. The Times reports that Stewart jokingly told his escort it felt like being called into the principal’s office.

In one moment, a fan asks which public figure has provided the show with the most comedic fodder.

The comedian has been to the White House on two separate occasions for meetings with Obama, it has emerged.

CLICK: Jon Stewart forgoes jokes on “The Daily Show”. Though a former aide said the host appeared visibly happy after his conversation with Obama.

“[He] wanted to hang out, eat nachos, watch ‘King Ralph, ‘” Stewart said.


Stewart’s final episode of the Daily Show will take place on August. 6. “But I can say that he had forceful arguments, they were arguments that we knew would be heard and deserved to be answered”, said Axelrod, who also makes appearances on “The Daily Show”. “So that’s what we did, and I realized that I’ve been working way too hard”.

Wyatt Cenac