
Stormtroopers celebrate Star Wars Day with Presidential dance party

It was groovy in the White House. Along with his wife Michelle, the POTUS showed off his dance moves yet again, grooving to tunes provided by R2-D2.


The 22-second clip was released on the White House’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts with the caption, “Dance”.

The White House posted a dance video to commemorate Star Wars Day late Wednesday.

Fans far and wide honor one of the most popular science-fiction series by celebrating all that is “Stars Wars” on May 4.

Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk” was the track which ushered in May 4th on Capitol Hill, now known as Star Wars Day (may the fourth be with you, etc), with the Obamas. She really knows how to groove to “her favorite song”.


With the President’s internet-destroying performance during the Correspondent’s Dinner and now this nerve-wracking dance, Barack Obama, in his eight years in office, has definitely acquired some serious geek credit.

Watch the White House Star Wars Day Dance Party