
Stroud Labour supporters back Jeremy Corbyn

“They’re going to look at our security measures because I think we need to have increased security measures”, she told the Liverpool Echo.


Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn ahead of his speech during the Durham Miners’ Gala on the old Racecourse in Durham, England, Saturday July 9, 2016.

At the launch of her leadership campaign, Angela Eagle criticised Jeremy Corbyn. “Everything we’re proud of, from the National Health Service, to the minimum wage, to equality legislation, is there because we were in government”.

Ms Eagle told the BBC’s Sunday Politics show it was “not clear from the Labour Party rules”, adding: “Anyone who aspires to lead who can not get 51 members is not going to be able to do the job properly”.

AE: I think that I want to lead a strong united opposition. I’m a woman from the working class North – I understand metropolitan things too, ‘ she added. Yet she could also face a no-confidence vote of her own, especially if he is kept off the ballot because of the party’s rules.

“I think she’s the Empire Strikes Back candidate – she voted for Iraq, she voted for tuition fees. I’m here to win”.

Mrs. Eagle also said the Brexit result had left the country “divided and uncertain” with a “broken economy”, describing the vote to leave the European Union (EU) as “a howl of pain”.

Labour’s National Executive Committee will now meet to confirm arrangements for the leadership election.

He told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show yesterday: “I’m expecting to be on the ballot paper because the rules of the party indicate that the existing leader, if challenged, should be on the ballot paper anyway”. They require 20% of the party’s MPs to be valid.

Mr Corbyn has insisted he is “ready to reach out” to his enemies in the party but warned he would stand for re-election if they tried to oust him.

Corbyn is confident that he could win an election if nominated because he enjoys widespread grass-roots support. During the meeting, Eagle said: “I made absolutely clear that The Labour Party condemns anti-Semitism in any form and reaffirmed our commitment to take whatever action is necessary to deal with such intolerable behaviour, it has no place in our party or in our country”.

Corbyn has suggested he would be willing to challenge the executive’s decision in court if it went against him. ‘ These are dark times for Labour and risky times for our country’. “That, at a time when the country rightly is saying we need some degree of leadership form our political leaders”.

She also took a swipe at one of Mr Corbyn’s key messages to Labour voters a year ago, declaring: “A kinder politics must be a reality, not just an empty slogan”.


The Welsh politician has gathered enough support from Labour MPs to join Angela Eagle in challenging Jeremy Corbyn.

Brick thrown through Angela Eagle's constituency office in Wallasey