
Struggling US presidential hopeful Jeb Bush pleads with supporters ‘PLEASE CLAP!’

The former president also recently cut an ad for Right to Rise USA, the super PAC supporting his brother’s presidential bid.


Jeb Bush was forced to beg supporters to clap for him yesterday, after a “fiery” speech fell embarrassingly flat. Bush has been helping members of his famous family get elected since age 3 but has never played a larger role as a political surrogate than this cycle, as he tries to help his dad follow his grandfather, George H.W. Bush, and his uncle, George W. Bush, to the White House.

Bush regularly gets big applause when he mentions his famous parents on the campaign trail, and it’s not uncommon for voters to ask Bush to sign books about them or photos of the former first couple.

More recently, though, he’s stopped running from his family’s name and begun running towards it. His mother, Barbara, is set to campaign with him in New Hampshire on Thursday.

“Frankly, I’m proud that my father was president of the United States and I’m proud that my brother was president of the United States”, Bush said at a recent campaign event in Iowa.

“I didn’t really plan on this”, she admitted, before reiterating: “Jeb is the nicest, wisest, most caring, loyal, disciplined – not by me – but he’s not a bragger – we don’t allow that. I wonder why”, said Jeb Bush, who stood by her affectionately as she spoke to the 500 people who filled every seat, crammed into corners of the room, and filled an overflow space. “If my mom did negotiate with ISIS, it would be a pretty tough negotiation – far better than anything he could do, but you don’t negotiate with terrorists – You take them out”. “Donald Trump? I’ll leave it at that” he said as the crowd applauded. Experience and judgment count in the Oval Office.

“If Rubio beats him badly in New Hampshire, Jeb is toast”, the Times quoted Sen.

Previously, he has criticized his brother’s failure to rein in spending, while praising the 43rd president’s ability to keep the country safe after September 11th. Very talented… One of them is a close friend who I admire greatly.


Another woman told Bush she thought he was a “calm voice among a lot of craziness this year”. She appeared Tuesday in Concord, Manchester and Portsmouth.

Bush in NH