
Students at Buxton Community School jump for joy

Villers High School in Southall has seen another fantastic year of results with 68% achieving C or better in maths, with 25% getting A* or A grades.


“The students’ results are really wonderful and we have 70 per cent of our students achieving A*-C grades”.

Schools in Basildon and Canvey were also congratulating their pupils including Basildon Academy, which got its best ever results, and Castle View School where the majority of pupils got A* to C grades.

John Henry Newman School students with their GCSE results.

Lady Christine Edwards, principal of the academy, said she is delighted at the outcome.

Seahaven Academy is celebrating after significantly improving on last year’s GCSE results.

“As a recently designated National Support School and Teaching School, we look forward to sharing our good practice with partner schools across the North

Effie McFadyen got only A* and A grades.

Students could breathe a sigh of relief as 84 per cent of students gained a grade A* to C in English and 67 per cent in maths.

Ross, of Chapel Lane, Hadleigh, said: “It’s been really hard work because I’ve been balancing the two, but the school’s been really supportive”.

“The remarkable thing about our students is not just their excellent academic ability, but also the extra-curricular activities in which they take part, often achieving extremely high standards in fields such as music, sport and drama”.

Mr Cumming added: “These results show that the ethos we have created of determination, ambition and resilience has paid off”.


Chairman of governors, Sue Saiger, said: “Everyone in our community, from parents, governors to staff would again like to say how pleased we are with the results achieved by our students”.

Merthyr Tydfil Council

Pupils across Wales have been picking up their GCSE results