
Students express anger, solidarity for victim at Stanford graduation

Stanford’s graduation was marked by protests against the former student who has drawn attention to sexual assault at the California school and across the country, Brock Turner. And now, even a coven of witches is coming after him.


In June 2016, Judge Aaron Persky gave Turner a six-month sentence and three years’ probation-sparking outrage from many who feel he was being treated with kid gloves because of his race and social standing. According to Vice, the short sentence inspired Melanie Elizabeth Hexen, a midwife and belly-dance instructor from Iowa, and her local coven to come together Tuesday night to hex Turner. In a letter read to Turner at the trial and later shared publicly with BuzzFeed News, the anonymous woman said that she believed Turner had never taken responsibility for his assault against her and had instead blamed his actions on alcohol and “promiscuity”.

To read the sample ritual Hexen posted and photos from different witches’ hexes, check out Vice’s report. She returned to the party and frantically looked for her sister, but couldn’t find her.

While the length of Brock Turner’s sentence prompted outrage, Mrs. Turner’s letter labeled the verdict “awful, horrible, terrible, gut-wrenching, life-changing”.

“I am in awe of your courage for speaking out”, Biden wrote in an open letter to the woman, “for so clearly naming the wrongs that were done to you and so passionately asserting your equal claim to human dignity”.

An image released as a part of a court file shows what prosecutors say is ex-Stanford swimmer Brock Turner, convicted of sexual assault, apparently smoking a pipe.

He was sentenced to six months but Daily Mail Online has learned that he is set to serve just half of his six-month sentence and will be released on September 2.

USA Swimming spokesperson Scott Leightman explained with The Guardian that the membership of Turner expired two years ago and after his conviction, it would not be anymore possible for him to be a member of USA Swimming. And police also talked to a woman who said that, a week before the assault, she met Turner at a party and danced. Audience members will include victims of sexual assault, experts, lawmakers and the families of assault victims.

You know who else was probably a broken shell of a person suffering from fear, depression, anxiety, and dread? A similar petition had over 200,000 signatures on Saturday afternoon, while another 120,000 people have signed their name to a White House petition, more than the 100,000 needed to prompt a response from the Obama administration.

Veteran Democratic political consultants Joe Trippi and John Shallman have also joined the recall effort, which was started by Stanford law professor Michele Dauber. It describes the devastation the woman felt in being sexual assaulted while unconscious after partying.

Both the victim and Turner had been drinking: Her blood-alcohol level was about three times the legal limit when it was tested, and his blood-alcohol level was twice the legal limit.

Court documents said the victim has vowed privately to continue speaking out for victims of sexual assault.

The assault took place behind a dumpster outside the fraternity house.


“When people doubt you or dismiss you, I am with you”. So never stop fighting.

Brock Turner and his father Dan Turner in court