
Stuff the Bus campaign will help students in need with school supplies

The buses were purchased with approved E-SPLOST funds and help replace some of the older buses in the school district’s fleet. First, make sure your children know their bus number.


Here are bus routes for each Beaufort County School District school for the 2016-2017 school year.

Redflex Student Guardian provides the cameras to the system to help capture those who pose risks to students looking for a safe ride to and from school. “In fact, we invested an additional $1 million into our transportation system this year, and we hope to do the same next year so wages for bus drivers are competitive with other school systems across the South and the state”.

Millions of students rely on public transportation to get them to and from school each and every day.

Watch for students gathering near bus stops, and for kids arriving late, who may dart into the street.

“Also, regardless of the driver, there is always extra caution when you see a school bus and it is created to be that way”.

The same thing goes for in the afternoons, Hill said, and parents of younger children should be at the bus stop ready to pick their children up.

Routes might fluctuate for the first two weeks, but then should stabilize, with no more than a 10-minute variation in times from day to day.

Disregarding a school bus stop arm is a serious violation and one that school bus drivers are quick to report. When on the bus, always behave so that you can hear any safety instructions and be aware of your surroundings. On a divided roadway, only vehicles traveling in the same direction as the school bus are required to stop.

Last year, contractors pointed to a lack of money from Knox County Schools as the reason there weren’t enough drivers.

In addition to the zones around schools, bus schedules will return to normal hours and drivers around town will begin to see more of them in traffic.


There are also new buses on the horizon. That means more children will be standing on corners waiting for their buses and it means more cars will be driving near youngsters.

Knox County School Bus