
“Stunning” GCSE successes at Denbigh school

Following on from last week’s success in the AS results, the year 11 cohort were equally successful in the quality of GCSE grades achieved which exceeded last year’s results.


Headteacher Mike Foley praised students and staff: “These exceptional results have been achieved at a time when schools face a volley of reforms to the curriculum, qualifications and exam regulations”. Today the students will find out their grades for themselves and for many of them, it’s looking good.

Some 65 per cent of students achieved at least five A* to C grades, including English and Maths, with 28 pupils achieving eight or more A and A* grades, a record for the school.

“However, there do seem to be some anomalies within the maths results and so we are now lodging an enquiry with the examination board”. It’s the best results we’ve ever had and it’s nearly across the board.

Another student, Barnaby Deller, got four A*s in his results and will go to County High for sixth form next year to study physics, chemistry, maths, and economics.

“Teachers are to be commended for an fantastic set of results across 30 subjects”.

The A* and A pass rate at the school remains at around 30 per cent and continues the positive trend of recent years.

“This is down to their hard work and commitment to their studies along with the dedication of our staff who help the students to achieve beyond their best”.

One hundred per cent of students achieved five or more GCSEs at A*-C including English and mathematics, while 62 per cent of entries were graded A/A*.

“We look forward to welcoming many of our students into Year 12 in September”.

Head of academy Emma Baker said: “We are very pleased with this year’s results which are the best we have had”.

52 per cent of students also bagged the English Baccalaureate and 86 per cent of students got either an A* or A grade in Further Science.


He said: “We have held our ground on previous years’ high standards”. “There were some outstanding individual performances”.

GCSE pupils from Anthony Gell School in Wirksworth collect their results