
Stupid Bear Thinks It Goes To School

A bear walked into a Bozeman, Montana high school Wednesday morning, sniffing around for a while before going on his or her way.


“We had a report of a black bear that was around the footbal field and found an open door, and the bear made its way into the school through the hallways”, Musson said.

A video posted on twitter that says it is of a bear in Bozeman High shows people watching the bear as it meanders through a hallway. “They were being careful”.

Jonkel says more bear deaths are expected in coming weeks, but that by the end of October there should be fewer road kills. Nice try, bears, but that won’t cut it.

“He just left the building”.

The woman told wardens her dog had appeared to sense something was afoot before the bear emerged from a riverside shielded by willows and brush. It’s something that wouldn’t have to be necessary, the HSUS notes if people wouldn’t make it so easy for bears to find food in their yards or in a trash dumpster. Bring them inside at night, or purchase a bear-resistant can or something to enclose the container. Burying compost doesn’t work because bears can dig these up in a jiffy.

FWP bear specialist Kevin Frey told the Gazette that they removed the bear from the school without having to capture it, with the help of the police who a were also on the scene.


Stay away from humans, you animals.