
Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear it up

“Donald Trump says he’ll “make America great again” while he’s taking the shirts right off our backs”, Kidder says as he closes the ad.


Arguing Trump has hurt the country, Clinton said she would need to “repair the damage that has been done”.

“Even so”, Schwartz said, “Clinton has to be careful – she could get everything right and still potentially lose the debates if she comes off as too condescending, too much of a know-it-all”.

“I think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary and myself, should release detailed medical records”.

He says: “African-Americans will vote for Trump because they know I will stop the slaughter going on!”

“She knows that it’s coming”, said Jennifer Granholm, a former MI governor and a member of Clinton’s transition-planning team.

The spending outpaces Clinton’s planned $9.2 million for the week, topping out at $10 million. She is stressing the need to fully integrate mental health services into the US health care system. It will focus on his economic message, contrasting his approach with Clinton’s.

In the midst of a multi-day fundraising swing through the wealthy Hamptons, Clinton stressed her commitment to boosting the minimum wage, improving access to education and improving mental health care.

Wednesday in Arizona, he’s giving a major immigration speech after confusion about whether he’d deport undocumented immigrants or let them stay in the United States. The weekend announcement came shortly after campaign officials said the event had been cancelled. Her plan stresses early diagnosis and intervention and calls for a national initiative for suicide prevention. On Sunday, led by vice presidential running mate Mike Pence, Trump’s surrogates fanned out across the televised talk shows to reiterate other parts of his proposal but none could answer that question. And they wouldn’t say whether it was worrisome that such a consequential proposal remained unclear so close to the November 8 election.


“I want any of your thoughts or ideas about how I should debate Donald Trump, just to name one thing”, she said.

Joni Ernst