
Sugar and dairy among TPP sticking points

Cambodia was not invited to join this first round.


And with China deliberately excluded, it remains to be seen if a 12-country deal will be enough to coax Beijing toward further opening its economy and embracing more global business standards.

The most contentious issues in the TPP chapters are on agriculture, intellectual property rights and state-owned enterprises.

But at the same time, the terms for dairy trade are still “woeful” for New Zealand, and it would be impossible to sign the TPP if that did not change.

President Barack Obama supports the pact but many of his fellow Democrats do not, according to Yahoo!

It is not clear if talks in Maui at the end of July are going to result in a final deal. “We have made commitments to sustain our supply management system and we are working to achieve that”.

Canadian exporters across key sectors of the economy will have “preferential access” to a large group, which is “a net positive for Canada”, Taylor said in an interview on CTV’s Canada AM on Monday. The goal Trans-Pacific Partnership is to expand the trading bloc, which would eliminate many tariffs and other trade barriers, to include the United States, Australia, Peru, Vietnam, Malaysia, Mexico, Canada and Japan.

The Australian Medical Students’ Association is also urging the Australian Government not to accept a TPP agreement that compromises the health of Australians.

Another hard issue that has to be resolved is patent protection for the drugs produced by the big US companies.

“I’m glad to see that people are trying to be creative and we need to find a way to deal with this outside of a trade agreement”, she said.

“We are looking for what we call commercially meaningful access”, New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser told local TV 3 news.

“We can not have the situation where the Government is at risk of legal action because of its attempts to legislate in the best interests of New Zealanders”, he said.

“It will have very significant indirect benefits in how it will begin to reshape trade rules across the world”.

“…China’s economic presence and influence in the Asia-Pacific can neither be ignored nor bypassed”.

Overby said the United States and Japan are very close to make a deal, but “it would be not possible” for the two sides to conclude bilateral negotiations until the overall TPP deal does.

Labour and the Greens say the government has gone back on an undertaking to protect Pharmac. They contend the treaty would kill environmental protections, increase the costs of medicines and drive down wages. “That’s the same as a tax increase”, with the beneficiaries being US corporations which are insiders to the negotiations.

In a joint statement issued ahead of tomorrow’s talks, the members of the Five Nations Beef Alliance said the TPP must not be allowed to drift or lose momentum at this crucial stage.


But pressure is there to reach a final deal within months.

On the land The Mc Leod family – Jack two-year-old Ross Dil five-year-old Jasmine and dog Murphy – take time on Saturday July 25 to pose in the pasture on their organic dairy farm.- Evan Buhler  Observer