
Suicide bomber hits Kabul police academy, kills 20 recruits

This is the second major attack in Kabul in less than 24 hours.


The Taliban said they were not behind the explosion, though the group does not usually claim responsibility for attacks that kill or maim large numbers of civilians, especially women and children. The attacks highlight growing insecurity in the country amid a faltering peace process with the Taliban as Afghan forces face their first summer fighting season without full North Atlantic Treaty Organisation support.

This came shortly after the Taliban’s confirmation of the death of Mullah Omar, who led the militant movement for some 20 years. The Taliban leadership later confirmed his death without providing such details.

The Taliban statement, posted on their website, said the helicopter was “shot down with a rocket launcher”. “Hitting Kabul with a wave of powerful attacks is a way of showcasing their strength”.

A police source said the bomber struck as cadets were returning to the academy after the weekend.

“The bomber was wearing a police uniform and detonated his explosives among students who had just returned from a break”, a police official said.

The top United Nations envoy in Afghanistan has condemned the killing of at least eight civilians and the injuring of more than 200 in an attack that took place in Kabul today.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but huge suicide bombings targeting civilians in Kabul have been a trademark of the Haqqani network, whose leader Jalaluddin Haqqani died in December, according to American officials and a senior member of the group….

Another powerful explosion rocked the Afghan capital on Friday, officials and witnesses said.

The president’s office said 47 women and 33 children were among the casualties.

The health ministry said the number of wounded could run even higher, with most suffering injuries from flying glass.

Kabul Police chief General Rahman Rahimi told media at the scene that civilian homes bore the brunt of the blast and that a small military unit in the vicinity sustained only minor damage.


The area was cordoned off following the attack.

Mullah Omar neither died nor was buried in Pakistan defence minister