
Summer Reading Programs for All at Middletown Library

As part of the Summer Reading Club, the El Paso Public Library is hosting more than 300 special events and activities created to engage, entertain and educate families during the summer.


Fort Morgan kids and teens have lots of reading to do this summer, but it has nothing to school or homework over vacation. With this in mind, McArthur Library has made a decision to offer a Clean Slate to all kids, ages 18 and younger, who sign up for the summer reading program. Pre-K and young readers can be read to, and get a sticker for every 20 minutes someone reads to them. But they are always there for audio books (waiting in traffic a bit?), beach/pool reads and of course that bestseller you never got around to reading during your busy year so far.

The library is offering reading incentives that include prizes, magicians and live exotic animals among the reading incentives.

But the fun doesn’t stop there!

The National Summer Learning Association highlights that, “most students lose about two months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills over the summer months”.

This week, Mayor Ivy Taylor launched her summer reading club and program to encourage children, teens and adults to read for fun during the summer. But, did you know that a complete separation from activities such as reading and writing could have negative effects on a child’s education? “It’s definitely something that keeps kids reading, and we like that because it helps them retain information”. In addition to a wide variety of reading options, libraries will host activities for all ages ranging from Teddy Bear Olympics to Bingo for Books to tailgating parties.

Libraries on about 200 military installations around the world are hosting sports-themed activities, prizes and book choices in their summer reading campaign dubbed “Read – for the Win”. This program is open to participants of all ages, preschool through adult. Children will learn food preparation and enjoy taste-testing as well as non-competitive games. The library has more than 225,000 visitors in a year and circulates a half-million items annually.

Studies have shown that students who do not read during the summer can experience impedance on their learning and return to school in the fall less ready for the next year than when they began their summer break. Minutes are earned by reading to yourself, being read to by someone else, or listening to an audio book recording.


The public is invited to sign up at the library anytime throughout the summer.

Louisville Library's Summer Reading Program