
Supergirl / The Flash Crossover Promises Fun, Jealousy and a Race

Instead, it alters her brain and removes Kara’s uber-polite mental filter so that all of her deepest, darkest, and meanest thoughts come to the surface.


“She’s giving advice then saying “go get my tuna”.

This Monday on Supergirl, Kara takes a walk on the dark side after coming into contact with Red Kryptonite. “The problem with Red Kryptonite is that it kind of just brings everything to the surface, so all of these things that go unsaid or feelings that she might have had that she pushes down, she lets it all out”.

“For once she’s like, ‘Oh my god, it’s someone like me!'” said Benoist. Even her friendship with Winn is fully back to normal, with her supporting Winn’s relationship with Siobhan despite how awkward the situation could be. For any fans hoping that James and Lucy’s breakup last week would be a chance for Kara and James to finally reveal their true feelings to each other, keep waiting. She’s still keeping her romantic options open when it comes to her co-workers James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) and Winn Schott (Jeremy Jordan). Of course, the hardest scene was between Kara and Alex, with Kara throwing some venomous insults at Alex before denouncing her as a sister.


Although Adler admitted that it was “tough” juggling people’s schedules to make the mash-up episode possible, she said that in success, they would love to do it again. We’ll see if we answer that question. WD Crane in congratulating Hank for his work, but mostly we see that the politician showed a strong attraction to him that Kara did not fail to notice. “I think what’s really always rewarding is when people watch the show and see some piece of themselves in a character that they wouldn’t think they’d have that much in common with”. Maybe it would’ve worked better if we’d seen Alex or J’onn having to convince Max to help, but it made for an off-moment in an otherwise flawless episode of the series.

Supergirl Ep 10- 2