
Supermoon Lunar Eclipse approaching this month

“This is not what we found”, says Smithsonian senior scientist Thomas Watters of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington. The moon will appear slightly larger than normal and look pretty spectacular as well, giving more light to the night sky.


“Because the orbit of the moon is not a ideal circle, the moon is sometimes closer to the Earth than at other times during its orbit”, Noah Petro, deputy project scientist for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., said in a press release. After this month’s event, the phenomenon will not happen again in next 15 years.

Lunar darken occurs due to the moon’s elliptical exerciser revolve around Earth that works when in a many years.

In the USA , Canada, and Central and South America, this Complete Lunar Eclipse will begin on the evening of September 27, 2015 while in Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, the Arctic, and in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans it starts on September 28, 2015. The last supermoon/lunar eclipse combination occurred in 1982 and the next won’t happen until 2033. While a perigee is known as a supermoon, an apogee is referred to as a minimoon. There was only five supermoon eclipse since 1900 as per reported by NASA. While there is nothing dramatic about the event, the moon does look larger.

Mirror United Kingdom says that the moon will be at its brightest at around 2am on the morning of September 28.

But, a supermoon coinciding with a total lunar eclipse is uncommon.

Four blood moons or lunar eclipses appearing in close succession, is a very rare phenomenon.

The best places to see the supermoon lunar eclipse would be on the East Coast, as anything east of the Midwest will be in full night. The Earth will move between the sun and the moon, so that a shadow will be entirely cast over it – sending the previously super-bright moon into darkness.

We will witness a lunar eclipse as the moon falls completely within the Earth’s shadow during its passage.

As for the supermoon and a lunar eclipse occurring simultaneously, Petro said, “It’s just planetary dynamics”.


The total lunar eclipse will start at 10:11 p.m. EDT and will last 72 minutes.

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Will Be The First In More Than 30 Years