
#SuperTuesday: Searches for ‘How can I move to Canada?’ spike

When the United States elects a president, the population in Canada might grow a bit larger.


Google Data Editor, Simon Rogers first tweeted about the trend Tuesday night. Donald Trump won seven of those states.

Google searches for “how to move to Canada” and related phrases surged by 350 percent in the initial hours after results from the primaries and caucuses began to roll in, before rising even further and topping out at 1,150 percent by midnight, according to Mashable.

Numerous inquiries Tuesday night were coming from MA, where Trump won 49 percent of the vote.

The majority of people (75,000) wanted to move to Mexico but Canada was second choice, with 25,000 people claiming they would relocate there. Maybe people just instinctively want to move to Canada because of global warming and because it’s colder there.

In fact, so many Americans have been searching for an escape to our home and native land that the government’s immigration website started to experience problems, and still boasts an error message warning of delays while using the website. We are working to resolve this issue.


A site called Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins (CBIDTW), created by DJ Rob Calabrese, offers to welcome Americans leaving their country because of Mr Trump. “Thank you for your patience”. Hillary Clinton edged out Bernie Sanders in MA.

Move to Canada Google Searches