
Surprise: Debate ratings go up without Donald Trump

Ted Cruz suggested during a post-debate interview that Megyn Kelly had called Donald Trump “Voldemort”, but Fox News says that’s not the case.


In 2011, Trump told Kelly that “you’ve done a great job by the way and I mean it”.

Fox has been extremely nice the last number of hours”, Trump told a chuckling audience at Drake University in a standing-room-only auditorium where rivals Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee joined him on stage.

Trump’s use of the term – which describes children born on US soil to parents who are in the country illegally and is widely considered to be derogatory – marks the latest escalation of his attacks against Cruz in which he highlights the Texas senator’s Canadian birthplace.

Fox News said on Tuesday the war of words escalated behind the scenes over the weekend, and accused Trump’s campaign manager of “terrorizations” against Kelly.

This is especially true when the presidential caravan rolls next toward the more moderate and secular New Hampshire, where polls ahead of the February 9 primary show Trump with a commanding lead and Cruz scrapping for second with establishment types Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and John Kasich.

Also Read: Donald Trump vs. Fox News Debate: Did Trump Win by Not Showing Up?

Bush, who has been a frequent target of Trump’s attacks, turned a question about religious tolerance into an attack on Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. And Fox Business Network isn’t as prominent or easy to find as Fox News. However, being absent from the debate has not appeared to hurt Trump’s ratings in any way.

Cruz responded quickly and was the first candidate to joke about Trump. Both CNN and MSNBC carried portions of the event and had a combined 2.7 million viewers.

While in previous debates he stole limelight from other contenders, the debate without him allowed GOP fans to actually see other Republican contenders more closely. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is at 3% among likely caucus-goers.

Claim: The donations raised during a benefit event for veterans went to Donald J. Trump’s personal foundation instead of veteran charities. His campaign did not say which group was getting the funds.

The real-estate magnate and tonsorial innovator grabbed 38 percent of debate mentions on Twitter, according to data from the social network. “I think we can all sympathize here, that it’s nearly impossible for a Republican to get a fair hearing on Fox“.


InsideGov’s running tally of each candidate’s talk times shows that, overall, Rubio and Cruz spoke the most, with their times totaling 13 minutes, 38 seconds and 13 minutes, nine seconds, respectively.

Fact-Checking Comments Made at Republican Debate