
SURVIVOR SECOND CHANCE 3103: New Tribe & New Rat

There are always highs and lows in the game of Survivor, as is in life.


Survivor airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. He calls for the hidden immunity idol, which is not forthcoming. He feels like he’s at the top of a strong alliance and the next vote for Spencer will be an easy one if it’s necessary. And with that in mind… Andrew was sure he was going home, but sees Varner’s mistake as an opportunity.

The new Angkor tribes arrives on their beach, and there’s none of the building supplies or food they were promised. “Shut the front door”, was Ciera’s response to this news.

They kill a chicken to celebrate their good fortune of not having to build a new shelter like Angkor.

The new Bayon tribe is Stephen, Jeremy, Kimmi, Monica, Kelly Wiglesworth and Spencer. The new change will most likely break the alliances that were already formed.

Fishbach finds it completely liberating to be on a non-macho tribe.

Which means that Abi, Wu, Jeff Varner, Peih-Gee from Ta Keo and Tasha and Andrew Savage from Bayon make up the new Angkor tribe and will be starting over. Jeremy decides that he can work with him, at least for the time being. Peih-Gee doesn’t like the way Abi is talking. We think Woo should be sleeping with one eye open from here on out. The new tribes will consist of six members each.

Spencer is trying to act like less of a robot, and he’s very awkwardly trying to bond with his tribe.

Who was voted off of Survivor episode 3? Tonight’s episode, started off with more conversation footage. She says that Terry is a good dude, but she’s totally willing to throw him under the bus. They both approach Varner to see his willingness to flip on one of his allies, but he isn’t biting. For Andrew and Tasha, it was a stunning turn of events.

A Second Idol Discovered.

Ta KeoFour original members from the Bayon tribe are on Ta Keo. As they look, Jeremy finds something stashed in a tree stump under a few leaves. But of course this is Jeremy: He has absolutely no intention of sharing this clue or the Idol with his fellow tribe mates.

Next time: Angkor is in hell, and an immunity challenge goes wrong, #callthemedics. The chests contained puzzle pieces that would need to be assembled in order to win the challenge. Jeremy does manage to grab his Idol without anyone else noticing. It’s close, but in the end Bayon edges out Angkor.

Stealing Signs. After the challenge was over, Varner attempted to mouth something over to Kelly on the Bayon tribe. She then yelled out, “Hey we got a rat!”

The host of the series, Probst, had expressed his excitement for the change. “I’m in the middle of a big ole’ mess, and i got to figure out a way to get out of it”, Varner tells us. Abi gets Varner to go Pei-Gee, too. So the scramble to save themselves and expose the cracks on their tribe began. Jeff said Savage and Tasha were in control of that night’s vote. Woo and PeihGee then talk with Abi who tells them outright that she is on the bottom with them and is good with Tasha and Savage. She says her old group was harmonious and golden. He then flat out says that he’s heard it could be him, Abi, or Peih-Gee. Woo makes a plea to him, Abi and Peih-Gee suggesting that they all just stay loyal to each other and not do anything insane, which pretty much guarantees something insane is about to happen.

Abi votes for Peih-Gee and Peih-Gee votes for Abi.

At tribal council, Jeff’s immunity challenge moment came up and revealed the split in the tribe. Now, Jeff is stuck in the middle of a bad situation and I think that he might end up being the person voted off tonight. How quickly the game flips! The votes were then read: Abi – PG – Abi – PG – PG – PG. He asks Wu and Peih-Gee to go for a walk, which is a little heavy-handed, but they agree to consider it. Woo and PeihGee tell him he has made a good case.

My full recap will be up at midnight, but you can sound off right here with your thoughts on the Angkor tribe meltdown and Peih-Gee’s ouster.


He explained, “I liked this shot because it reminds you that the Survivors dictate the show and the story”.

Episode 3