
Susan Sarandon protests treatment of Bernie Sanders supporters at the DNC

Actress and devoted Bernie Sanders supporter Susan Sarandon was spotted holding an anti-Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) sign on the floor of the Democratic National Convention on Monday evening.


The actress is no fan of Hillary Clinton’s, having recently said in an interview with MSNBC that she is “more dangerous” than Trump, and will lead America into “Iran in two seconds”.

A gif of Sarandon shaking her head looking displeased is making its way around the internet.

Sarandon said the protestors want to bring attention to “Bernie’s wish that she speak on Monday and also on Tuesday, and produce his nomination”. Turner holds that when she arrived yesterday, she was barred from going backstage and directed to Sanders’ campaign team instead.

Her support hasn’t swayed even as Sanders has pledged his support for Hillary Clinton. “And Bernie and Trump spoke to those people”. And what does it really say about us if this goes by unattended, just like what does it say, you know, when someone’s killed by the police and they get off.

“That’s been hugely disappointing, especially when it’s done by people who you think are feminist icons”.

Deborah Burger, President of National Nurses United, told reporters, “We had a bond with [Nina] and we felt she was a good spokesperson”.

Turner is a former state senator from OH who hoped to announce Sanders’ nomination Tuesday night even if rival Hillary Clinton had the votes to win.

See her tweet below. “When we said it was a movement and not a moment, we meant it”.


‘I feel that it would be very hard for me to send that message that I give her permission to use my taxes, ‘ she told MSNBC.

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