
Suspects had heinous plan for autistic woman kept in cage

WGNO reported that the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office arrived at a home when they received a complaint June 30. Investigators think they might have held the woman captive since October, allowing her to wander around the property by day but threatening her life if she ran away.


Five people have been arrested on charges of human trafficking and cruelty to the infirm.

Five people in Amite, Louisiana, have been arrested for human trafficking and cruelty to the infirmed after deputies discovered a 22-year-old autistic woman living in a backyard cage.

They are Raylaine Knope, 40; Bridget Lambert, 19; Taylor Knope, 18; Jody Lambert, 21; and Terry Knope, 43.

When deputies searched the home, they found the 22-year-old autistic woman wandering around the backyard of the home. There was a bucket that was used as a toilet, as well as a small bowl of food.

Edwards said he’s read about such cases in other parts of the United States but has never seen first hand anything like it in his career.

Sheriff’s spokeswoman Dawn Panepinto said investigators later learned the five planned to prostitute the woman.

“They also had planned to bring her to another specific location for the goal of her performing sexual acts on a large group of people in exchange for them, the captors, being paid money”, Edwards said.

The Sheriff’s Office says the investigation is ongoing and additional charges may be forthcoming. “This is not a good day for Tangipahoa Parish”.

The woman and four kids in the house were turned over to the custody of the state.


The Sheriff’s Office said upon speaking with the woman, she appeared to suffer from numerous insect bites. He would not say how she came under the control of the suspects.

Sheriff: Autistic woman kept in outside kennel with bucket, 5 arrested