
Syria vote: Watch Jeremy Corbyn attack David Cameron over ‘rush to war

If MPs support Cameron, as expected, British air strikes could be launched from a military base in Cyprus within hours of the vote. Mr Corbyn also urged the Prime Minister David Cameron to apologise, after he said MPs voting against the proposals to bomb Islamic State (IS) were “terrorist sympathisers”.


In an attempt to fix the damage, Cameron told the Commons today “there is honour in voting for, there is honour in voting against”. “I hope that provides some reassurance to members”.

Ms Smith said: “The Prime Minister belittles the office he holds by lowering himself to making such cheap remarks”. “We are all discussing how to fight terrorism, not whether to fight terrorism”.

One MP received a photo of a dead child with a warning this ill be predicament if they vote for air strikes in Syria. Delay would simply give IS time to grow stronger.

But Peter notes that “support for joining the air campaign against ISIS in Syria as well as Irag is growing, and the government sounds confident about being able to order the strikes to begin in a matter of days”. He said he could not “identify a single terrorist sympathiser” on the list of MPs opposed to strikes.

Falkirk MP John McNally accused David Cameron “arrogance” while East MP Martyn Day said strikes against the country will only cause more human suffering. But he also highlighted the deep split within Labour over the vote.

Seeking to head off complaints about his attack on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Mr Cameron told MPs: “The question before the House today is how we keep the British people safe from the threat posed by Isil”.

At a meeting of Labour lawmakers on Monday night, several attacked Corbyn for encouraging individual party members to lobby them to oppose military action.

Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn accuses Cameron of leading a rush to war, but several dozen Labour legislators are expected to support airstrikes.

“What matters is the United Kingdom being part of this political shift”, she said. I believe our failure to extend those strikes beyond a border that the terrorist group itself does not recognise undermines the efficacy of our action in Iraq and diminishes our ability to degrade and ultimately defeat them. “We must not use past mistakes as an excuse for indifference or inaction”.

“It is critically important that we are honest with the British people about the potential consequences of the action the Prime Minister is proposing”.


The Labour leader has previously argued that Cameron has failed to show that bombing IS will work in pushing them back and degrading their attacking capabilities.

Cameron brands air strike opponents as 'terrorist sympathisers&#039