
Syrian refugees find new home in US

When Syrian refugees arrive here, they will be given $1,125 per person. In the case of the United States, all refugees who are referred then undergo extensive face-to-face interviews with Department of Homeland Security officers, along with multiple layers of identity and security checks in a thorough process undertaken by USA authorities. “Syria is now the third most common country of origin for refugees”.


Scotland has accepted more than 1,000 Syrian refugees since families fleeing the war-torn country started arriving at the end of previous year, it will be announced today. “But what we can do is make sure that we are doing everything we can to try to provide for their basic needs”, White House press secretary Josh Earnest stated.

To aid the most vulnerable refugees and to share the tremendous burden of these refugee-hosting countries, UNHCR has called on governments to resettle those most at risk.

“We hope the Scottish Government will continue to push Westminster to meet its moral and legal obligation to help people in need of refugee protection”.

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has also said that “a lot” of Syrians accepted in the US are members of Daesh. His running mate Mike Pence, governor of IN, tried to stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees IN his state. So far resettlement countries have pledged a total of more than 220,000 places for Syrians under resettlement and other humanitarian admissions programmes.

The refugee program has been criticized by Republicans who fear terrorists could come into the country mixed with refugees, but officials say refugees being resettled in the US go through rigorous background checks.

The migration body further noted that another 85,000 refugees from around the world are expected to be resettled in the United State by the end of this fiscal year in September.

The increase in Syrian refugees comes with heightened security after extremist attacks in the United States and overseas.

A Home Office spokesman said: “The UK has been at the forefront of the global response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria”.


On September 20, President Obama will host the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, a high-level event on the margins of the UN General Assembly to increase humanitarian assistance and create more long-term, durable opportunities for refugees – not just for the millions of Syrian refugees, but for those fleeing intense strife and persecution in all places.

US admits more than 10000 Syrian refugees in fiscal 2016 – UN partner agency