Haze from Canadian wildfires triggers air pollution advisory across large part
Fireworks increase pollution by 42 percent | NewsCut | Minnesota Public

Fireworks increase pollution by 42 percent | NewsCut | Minnesota Public

Using data from 315 air quality monitoring sites across the country, researchers have found that…

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O say can you breathe? Fireworks pollute air, study says

O say can you breathe? Fireworks pollute air, study says

Fireworks are a beloved tradition of the Fourth of July, but the colorful displays also…

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Local News: How bad is the air after a fireworks show?

Local News: How bad is the air after a fireworks show?

Fourth of July fireworks temporarily increase the amount of particulate air pollution by an average…

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Fireworks pollute air, study says

Fireworks pollute air, study says

“When people think of air pollution, they think of other kinds of things-smoke stacks, automobile…

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Cleaner air would save two million lives a year – Samaa TV

Cleaner air would save two million lives a year – Samaa TV

Air pollution kills more people every year than Aids and malaria combined, warns new research.

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