Isis: US begins air strikes against Islamic State from Turkish airbase

Isis: US begins air strikes against Islamic State from Turkish airbase

Reuters reports that U.S. F-16s flying from the air base, only recently opened to U.S.…

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US not serious about fighting ISIL: Political scientist

US not serious about fighting ISIL: Political scientist

The United States believes that at least five Syrian rebels who were trained by the…

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US begins manned airstrikes from Incirlik Air Base

US begins manned airstrikes from Incirlik Air Base

The directive, which was published online on Monday, said the Nusra Front would refrain from…

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Syrian hard-line faction backs US-Turkey plans for safe zone

Syrian hard-line faction backs US-Turkey plans for safe zone

Turkish officials have said that Turkey will soon begin to participate in coalition airstrikes against…

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Turkey: Extensive fight against ISIS to start

Turkey: Extensive fight against ISIS to start

The group can also be against US air strikes carried out on al-Nusra Entrance fighters…

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Turkey says ‘extensive’ fight against IS to start soon; US drones start

Turkey says ‘extensive’ fight against IS to start soon; US drones start

Nevertheless, the faction said, “it would not be dragged into any side battle with any…

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US launches first airstrike against ‘Islamic State’ from Turkey

US launches first airstrike against ‘Islamic State’ from Turkey

A spokesman in Washington said the raid by an unmanned drone was launched on Monday…

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US begins armed drone flights from Turkey; manned missions, search and rescue

US begins armed drone flights from Turkey; manned missions, search and rescue

U.S. officials disclosed to Reuters on Sunday that the United States has decided to allow…

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U.S. to defend Syrian rebels with airpower, including from Assad

U.S. to defend Syrian rebels with airpower, including from Assad

But it can launch defensive strikes on any group that attacks the U.S.-backed rebels, including…

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US decides to allow airstrikes to defend Syrian rebels

US decides to allow airstrikes to defend Syrian rebels

“At this point, no actual strikes have been conducted, but they [the drones] have begun…

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