King Crabs Could Wipe Out Rare Underwater Invertebrates, Thanks To Global Warming

King Crabs Could Wipe Out Rare Underwater Invertebrates, Thanks To Global Warming

In a 2010-2011 survey, the researchers found 468 individuals of the king crab species Paralomis…

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Climate Change: King Crabs May Threaten Antarctic Ecosystem as Predators

Climate Change: King Crabs May Threaten Antarctic Ecosystem as Predators

To make their findings, the researchers used an underwater camera sled to observe a never-before-studied…

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Burning All of the World’s Fossil Fuels Would Completely Melt the Antarctic

Burning All of the World’s Fossil Fuels Would Completely Melt the Antarctic

The researchers said burning world’s reserves of oil, gas and coal would eventually melt the…

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