McDonald’s Says No To Burger King’s McWhopper Peace Offer

McDonald’s Says No To Burger King’s McWhopper Peace Offer

The United Nations has promoted September 21 as global Peace Day since 1981, and Burger…

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In effort to make fast-food ‘peace,’ Burger King proposes the McWhopper

In effort to make fast-food ‘peace,’ Burger King proposes the McWhopper

The King had made his “peace proposal” in full-page ads in Wednesday’s New York Times…

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Burger King: Buzzfeed, One Direction Spurred Chicken Fries

Burger King: Buzzfeed, One Direction Spurred Chicken Fries

Eric Hirschhorn, Burger King’s chief marketing officer in North America, gave a statement informing that…

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Morales calls Pope’s teachings ‘socialist’

Morales calls Pope’s teachings ‘socialist’

“When Jesus becomes part of our lives, we can no longer remain imprisoned by our…

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