Local councils to be given all business rates proceeds by 2020

Local councils to be given all business rates proceeds by 2020

The batch of new powers will also allow the government to scrap the Uniform Business…

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Nato blasts Russia over airspace incursions

Nato blasts Russia over airspace incursions

A Turkish government official confirmed yesterday that Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov was called to the…

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Russian warships launch rockets on Islamic State in Syria

Russian warships launch rockets on Islamic State in Syria

The United States will not cooperate militarily with Russian Federation in Syria because Moscow’s strategy…

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Former Labour Transport Secretary Lord Adonis will chair National

Former Labour Transport Secretary Lord Adonis will chair National

“Provided they have the support of the local business community, these mayors will be able…

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Local councils to set and keep business rates

Local councils to set and keep business rates

He adds, ‘The new system unveiled by the Chancellor at the Conservative Party Conference is…

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Israel PM visits Russian Federation over army buildup in Syria

Israel PM visits Russian Federation over army buildup in Syria

The Kremlin has said the heads of state would discuss “the relevant issues of bilateral…

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Russia, Syria Bombings: Jets Attack ISIS at Ancient City of Palmyra

Russia, Syria Bombings: Jets Attack ISIS at Ancient City of Palmyra

A military source told Syrian state television that the latest strikes had destroyed 20 jihadi…

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George Osborne: Councils to keep £26bn business rates

George Osborne: Councils to keep £26bn business rates

Osborne vowed to spark a “devolution revolution” by allowing local governments to keep the rates…

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What was said on the campaign trail Monday

What was said on the campaign trail Monday

“B.C.as the Asia-Pacific gateway, is in a particularly good position to benefit”, McLeod said, citing…

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Russian Federation says claims its jets hit Syria’s Palmyra ‘absolute lie’

Russian Federation says claims its jets hit Syria’s Palmyra ‘absolute lie’

“I have no doubt at all, and the reason behind that is practical and simple:…

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