Trump Slams Carson’s Faith, Says He Had ‘Horrendous’ Abortion Views, Was

Trump Slams Carson’s Faith, Says He Had ‘Horrendous’ Abortion Views, Was

Megyn Kelly: ‘I will not apologize for doing good journalism’

Megyn Kelly: ‘I will not apologize for doing good journalism’

Ted Cruz’s and Donald Trump’s performances received 11 percent support each, while the remaining participants…

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After Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly ‘Won’t Apologize for Doing Good Journalism’

After Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly ‘Won’t Apologize for Doing Good Journalism’

According to a Fox News executive not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, Trump’s latest…

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Where $15 Is Only Worth $12

Where $15 Is Only Worth $12

Supporters of the higher minimum wage say that, even in lower-cost upstate New York, is…

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