The Latest Planned Parenthood Video: Did the Mothers Really Consent?

The Latest Planned Parenthood Video: Did the Mothers Really Consent?

“Experiences like Holly O’Donnell’s show that Planned Parenthood’s abortion and baby parts business is not…

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Edited video on tissue donation led to Planned Parenthood hack — Daily Dot

Edited video on tissue donation led to Planned Parenthood hack — Daily Dot

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform…

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All Points: Ban research on tissue from abortions?

All Points: Ban research on tissue from abortions?

The eight and a half minute video concludes with Gatter joking about wanting a Lamborghini,…

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Brownback calls for abortion facility inspections

Brownback calls for abortion facility inspections

Anti-abortion activists on Tuesday released a second undercover video aimed at discrediting Planned Parenthood’s procedures…

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New Planned Parenthood Video Shows Official Discussing Price Of Remains

New Planned Parenthood Video Shows Official Discussing Price Of Remains

“These politically motivated videos raise some questions but nothing I’ve seen indicates Planned Parenthood violated…

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Attorney general ask to investigate Planned Parenthood

Attorney general ask to investigate Planned Parenthood

“I wouldn’t object to asking Ian, who’s our surgeon who does the cases, to use…

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