Man keeps his dead wife’s body in ice coffin at home

Man keeps his dead wife’s body in ice coffin at home

Woman dug his husband’s dead body and tried to smuggle it

Woman dug his husband’s dead body and tried to smuggle it

A woman dug his husband’s dead body and travelled with it in her car before…

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Wife living with husband’s dead body for 9 nine months to fulfil his last wish

Wife living with husband’s dead body for 9 nine months to fulfil his last wish

A wife was living with husband dead body for nine months to fulfil his last…

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A dead body rolled out from the van in the middle of busy street

A dead body rolled out from the van in the middle of busy street

It was very horrifying moment for the motorists after a dead body got rolled out…

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A woman sleeps and eats next to her dead mother for last three years

A woman sleeps and eats next to her dead mother for last three years


A dead body was refused to accept by the morgue because it was too fat

A dead body was refused to accept by the morgue because it was too fat