NDP’s Thomas Mulcair pledges universal drug plan, 200 more palliative care clinics

NDP’s Thomas Mulcair pledges universal drug plan, 200 more palliative care clinics

This latest salvo comes after Williams launched his “Anything But Conservative” campaign in 2008 after…

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How desperate is Jeb Bush? He’s thinking about campaigning with his brother

How desperate is Jeb Bush? He’s thinking about campaigning with his brother

Do Democrats give away “free stuff” to voters? Joel Mathis and Ben Boychuk, the RedBlueAmerica…

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Trump sends bottled water to Rubio as prank

Trump sends bottled water to Rubio as prank

Rubio, 44, trails several other Republicans in the race for the party’s nomination for the…

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Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Both Gave Pro Transgender Rights Speeches This

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Both Gave Pro Transgender Rights Speeches This

Speaking to a room of almost 4,000 supporters of the nation’s largest LGBT rights group,…

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China says it has ‘open attitude’ toward TPP

China says it has ‘open attitude’ toward TPP

Initial reaction from United States lawmakers, including Democrats and Republicans, ranged from cautious to sceptical.

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Trump Sends Rubio A Case Of Water To Help With His Sweating

Trump Sends Rubio A Case Of Water To Help With His Sweating

Monday’s prank is an escalation of the increasingly bitter feud between Rubio and the GOP…

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Key developments on the campaign trail Sunday

Key developments on the campaign trail Sunday

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau pulled the wrapping Monday off his full election platform, which is…

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Key developments on the federal election campaign trail Sunday

Key developments on the federal election campaign trail Sunday

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has promised to decriminalize marijuana immediately if his party forms the…

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Hillary Clinton maintains 18-point lead over Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton maintains 18-point lead over Bernie Sanders

Another poor performance in the third quarter for O’Malley could be detrimental to his campaign’s…

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Trump breaks Fox News ‘boycott’ after 1 week

Trump breaks Fox News ‘boycott’ after 1 week

Whenever a new talking head came on screen, Trump offered a scouting report based on…

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