Obama Nominates Eric Fanning, Who Is Openly Gay, To Lead The Army

Obama Nominates Eric Fanning, Who Is Openly Gay, To Lead The Army

“Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role”, Obama…

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Obama nominates first openly gay service secretary to lead Army

Obama nominates first openly gay service secretary to lead Army

Before his current position, he served in several high level roles, including special assistant to…

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Mike Huckabee Criticizes Obama’s Nomination Of Gay Man To Lead The Army

Mike Huckabee Criticizes Obama’s Nomination Of Gay Man To Lead The Army

Late Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Eric Fanning to be…

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Obama nominates first openly gay secretary of the Army

Obama nominates first openly gay secretary of the Army

“Eric provides lots of years of background and extraordinary instruction to this fantastic position”, Obama…

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Obama to nominate Centerville grad Eric Fanning to lead Army

Obama to nominate Centerville grad Eric Fanning to lead Army

President Obama announced Friday that he plans to nominate Eric Fanning as Secretary of the…

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