Jimmy Fallon Takes Possession of Trumps Freakish Persona

Jimmy Fallon Takes Possession of Trumps Freakish Persona

The magazine’s Gabriel Sherman did not elaborate on the nature of the threats, which he…

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Trump leads Iowa race

Trump leads Iowa race

Fresh post-debate polls show real estate magnate Donald Trump holding his lead on Tuesday over…

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After Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly ‘Won’t Apologize for Doing Good Journalism’

After Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly ‘Won’t Apologize for Doing Good Journalism’

According to a Fox News executive not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, Trump’s latest…

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Donald Trump returns to Fox News after flap

Donald Trump returns to Fox News after flap

Donald Trump said Monday that Fox News anchor and debate moderator Megyn Kelly should be…

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Rand Paul talks guns during GOP debate

Rand Paul talks guns during GOP debate

Paul was arguably the most feisty candidate on stage Thursday night in Cleveland. Still, even…

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